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Information Science Certificate Course Requirements
Information Science Certificate Tracking Form
The Information Science Certificate is open to graduate students in good standing, and applicants to the graduate non-degree program, who wish to complement their own disciplinary studies with foundational and applied knowledge in informatics. Students must complete a minimum of 18 s.h. for the Informatics Certificate with at least 9 hours in Foundations of Informatics, and 9 hours in Disciplinary Requirements.
If you are interested in a course for the certificate program that is not on the list of approved elective coursework, first speak with your advisor and then submit the alternate course to the program coordinator for subprogram review. The approval process for a course as well as for the certificate itself should be initiated one semester prior to registering for the course or receiving the certificate.
Non-degree students will be assigned an advisor after their application and admission to the G9 program, but are encouraged to work with the IGPI Program Coordinator on their initial plan of study.
Please note that plans of study for the informatics certificate may not completely substitute for coursework or examinations required within the requirements of the disciplinary degree program.
Course Requirements for the Information Science Certificate Program
Core Courses in Foundations of Informatics (9 semester hours)
Certificate students must complete 3 semester hours in each of areas a.), b.), and c.), below:
- a.) Introductory Informatics Coursework (3 s.h.)
- IGPI/CS:5110 Introduction to Informatics (3 s.h.) (Fall)
- b.) Programming Coursework (3 s.h.)
- CS:3210 Programming Languages and Tools: Programming with C++ (3 s.h.) (Fall and Spring)
- CS:3210 Programming Languages and Tools: Programming with Java (3 s.h.) (Fall and Spring)
- c.) Data Handling Coursework (3 s.h.)
- Certificate students may choose from the following data handling coursework alternatives:
- IGPI/SLIS:6100 Database Management (3 s.h.) (Spring)
- CS:4400 Database Systems (3 s.h.) (Fall and Spring)
- CS:4440 Web Mining (3 s.h.) (Fall and Spring)
- IGPI/MSCI:4480 Knowledge Discovery (3 s.h.) (Fall)
- IGPI:5203 User Education: Multimedia (3 s.h.)
- IGPI/SLIS:6140 Digital Environments (3 s.h.) (Spring)
- IGPI/STAT:3510 Biostatistics (3 s.h.) (Fall and Spring)
- IGPI/STAT:3120 Probability and Statistics (3 s.h.) (Fall and Spring)
- IGPI/STAT:3100 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics I (3 s.h.) (Fall)
- IGPI/STAT:3101 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics II (3 s.h.) (Spring)
- IGPI/STAT:3200 Applied Linear Regression (3 s.h.) (Fall and Spring)
- IGPI/STAT:4100 Mathematical Statistics I (3 s.h.) (Fall and Spring)
- IGPI/STAT:4101 Mathematical Statistics II (3 s.h.) (Fall and Spring)
- IGPI/STAT:5199 Applied Statistics I (4 s.h.) (Fall)
- IGPI/STAT:5400 Computing in Statistics (3 s.h.) (Fall)
Disciplinary Courses (9 s.h.)
Certificate students will select disciplinary courses in appropriate cognate areas in consultation with his/her advisor.