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U2G Geoinformatics MS Curriculum
Course Requirements
The geoinformatics M.S. requires completion of a minimum of 32 s.h. beyond the bachelor's degree with at least 21 of the 32 s.h. satisfying the core geoinformatics requirements. Thesis students may take up to 6 hours of thesis hours. The remaining 11 hours should be selected in consultation with the student’s advisor from courses relevant to the student’s particular geoinformatics focus.
The geoinformatics subprogram is part of the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Informatics (IGPI). All students within an IGPI program are required to take 9 s.h. of core courses. Required and elective courses meeting this requirement are listed below; those identified with an “*” are considered particularly appropriate for geoinformatics students.
Core Informatics Courses (9 s.h.):
Introductory informatics (3 s.h.)
- IGPI/CS:5110 Introduction to Informatics (Fall)
(or equivalent coursework approved by the subprogram coordinating committee)
Programming coursework (3 s.h.) Selected from:
- CS:3210 Programming Languages and Tools: Programming with C++ (Fall and Spring)
- CS:3210 Programming Languages and Tools: Programming with Java (Fall and Spring)
- GEOG:3050 Introduction to Geospatial Programming (Spring)
(or equivalent coursework approved by the subprogram coordinating committee)
Data handling coursework (3 s.h.) Selected from:
- IGPI/MSCI:4480 Knowledge Discovery (Fall)
- IGPI/MSCI: 4220 Advanced Database Management & Big Data (Spring)
- CS:4400 Database Systems (Fall and Spring)
- IGPI/SLIS:6100 Database Management (Spring)
- IGPI/BIOS:5120 Regression & ANOVA in Health Sciences (Spring)
- IGPI/STAT:3200 Applied Linear Regression (Fall and Spring)
- IGPI/STAT:5199 Applied Statistics I (Fall)
- IGPI/STAT:5400 Computing in Statistics (Fall)
- IGPI/GEOG:4581 Introduction to Geographic Databases (Fall)
Note: these are proposed additions to the core IGPI data handling courses
Core Geoinformatics Courses
A minimum 12sh of geoinformatics courses are required.
Introduction to geoinformatics (3sh):
- GEOG:3010 Geographic Information Systems and Science (Spring)
(or equivalent coursework approved by the subprogram coordinating committee)
Geoinformatics electives (minimum of 9sh):
To insure breadth, courses must be taken from 2 or more departments. Select from (3 s.h. each):
The Department of Geographical and Sustainability Sciences:
- GEOG:3500 Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing
- GEOG:3520 GIS for Environmental Studies
- IGPI/GEOG:3540 Introduction to Geographic Visualization
- IGPI/GEOG:4150 Health and Environment: GIS Applications
- IGPI/GEOG:4500 Applications in Environmental Remote Sensing
- GEOG:4520 GIS for Environmental Studies: Applications
- IGPI/GEOG:4581 Introduction to Geographic Databases
The Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering:
- CBE:3415 Statistical and Computational Analysis of Weather and Climate Data
- CBE:5412 Atmospheric Modeling
- CBE:5415 Satellite Image Processing and Remote Sensing of Atmosphere
- CBE:5417 Physical Meteorology and Atmospheric Radiative Transfer
- CBE:6415 Advanced Satellite Remote Sensing
- CBE:6435 Advanced Atmospheric Radiative Transfer
The Department of Computer Science:
- CS:4400 Database Systems
- CS:4420 Artificial Intelligence
- CS:4700 High Performance and Parallel Computing
- CS:4720 Optimization Techniques
The Department of Management Sciences:
- IGPI/MSCI:4480 Knowledge Discovery.
- IGPI/MSCI:6600 Linear Programming
- IGPI/MSCI:7000 Management Sciences Topics (when topic applies)
The Department of Statistics and Actuarial Sciences:
- IGPI/STAT:5400 Computing in Statistics
- IGPI/STAT:6530 Environmental and Spatial Statistics
- STAT:7290 Seminar Applied Statistics (when topic applies)
- IGPI/STAT:7400 Computer Intensive Statistics
The Department of Biostatistics:
- IGPI/BIOS:5710 Biostatistical Methods I
- IGPI/BIOS:5720 Biostatistical Methods II
- IGPI/BIOS:5730 Biostatistical Methods in Categorical Data
- IGPI/BIOS:6310 Introductory Longitudinal Data Analysis
- IGPI/BIOS:7600 Advanced Biostatistics Seminar (when topic applies)
The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences:
- EES:3100 Introduction to Applied Remote Sensing
- EES:4870 Applied Geostatistics