Bin He
Bin He is an assistant professor in the Biology Department at the University of Iowa. His research interest is in the evolution of Gene Regulatory Networks (GRNs). In particular, his lab studies how GRNs controlling stress response evolved in C. glabrata, a commensal and opportunistic pathogen yeast in human, as compared to its free-living relative, S. cerevisiae. The goal of the lab is to elucidate the evolutionary strategies used by the commensal yeast to adapt to the host environment, both to gain a genera understanding of gene regulatory network evolution, and also to provide insight into the treatment of commensal microbe associated infections. Before joining U of Iowa, Bin was a graduate student with Dr. Marty Kreitman in the Department of Ecology and Evolution at The University of Chicago, where his population genetics study elucidated the role of natural selection in transcription factor binding sites evolution in Drosophila enhancers; he also worked on a novel approach to identify disease modifying variation in a fly model of human neonatal diabetes. After getting his Ph.D., he joined Erin O’Shea’s lab at Harvard Center for Systems Biology, where he began his work on the evolution of stress response network in yeast. He was a visiting scholar at Princeton University in Julien Ayroles and Peter Andolfatto’s labs before coming to Iowa.
- Bioinformatics